about this PMS thing! been indulging in heaps of chocolate...and i mean heaps!!! currently in the fridge, is the large bar Cadbury hazel nut pralines...hmmm yums, but it kinda gave a dry sensation after taste at the back of the throat...just very little. what the heck? its CHOCOLATE!!!
when home for the afternoon break, its now only 6 slots left for the chocolate...jane's fault...hahhaa...another major 'baja' queen..
machi made a comment on me and jane about this issue, can survive on chocolate for breakfast one!
machi got a nice wooley jacket from forever got another 2 and a pink hat for baby at rm 15! so cheap right...gatal one get one for myself too, but where to wear it too??? like chemo patients pula....hahhaaa...
darn, hasyim QUITS with 24 hr notice!
met up with daddy for lunch at Mac's...i gatal liao wanted lots oily-carbo rich food...very bad for the thighs...i know i know! but the crazing is maddening...
the poll campaining in seberang also maddening...lotslots banners about...anwar worn by 61% liao...
machi and yaya going to kuala kangsar for the bio-dinner tonight...sigh, hope baby don't bully anyone at home...otherwise i'll also be stuck in the wanna spend more time with my baby...growing so very fast!
me being a sling seller....errr? and my 'swag' lady still have time to make more despite telling me she's not free?!!! come i offer her more le?
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